Woman at the Grocery Store

There was a woman at the grocery store yesterday not wearing a mask. 

Her face, throat, neck empty and white.

Her light brown hair curly hair glowing underneath the fluorescent lighting.

The surprise and immediate offense of seeing a monstrous mouth hanging free and open.

Do you know how selfish you are, I wanted to scream.

You are telling everyone what kind of person you are.

The word privilege screamed through my blood.

I stared at you but you didn’t see me.

You live in a world that exists for people who cannot see or speak truth.

You are a selfish cunt, my mind spoke.

What does it mean to go to the grocery and be offended by someone’s unmasked face?

What’s it like to walk through a grocery not caring about other people?

What’s it like to have that kind of false power?

If I asked you to point to the place on your body where your heart should be, would you know where to point?


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